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An announcement regarding the admission of postgraduate students to the Postgraduate Program is disseminated and published on both the Department's website and the NKUA website.

Prospective applicants are required to submit their relevant applications, including essential supporting documents, to the Secretariat of the Postgraduate Program within a specified deadline outlined in the announcement.

The necessary supporting documents that must be submitted by prospective postgraduate students

  • Application form detailing reasons for selection and intent to enroll in the Postgraduate Program.
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  • Submission of a copy of the academic degree or certificate of completed studies is required (alternatively, a sworn declaration can be provided, including pending course grades).
  • Official transcript of records from the undergraduate studies.
  • Printed or electronic copy of the thesis or diploma thesis (if applicable).
  • Copies of any additional degrees, master's, and doctoral degrees from universities or equivalent foreign institutions.
  • Publications in scientific journals or conference proceedings, if available.
  • Certificates of scholarships and awards.
  • Up to two letters of recommendation.
  • English language proficiency certificate of at least level B2, recognized as per current legislation and certified by the issuing authority or a legal professional (or adequate knowledge of the English language, certified by the Secretariat of the Postgraduate Program).
  • Evidence of professional or research activity, if applicable.
  • Greek language proficiency certificate or adequate knowledge of the Greek language, certified by the Secretariat of the Postgraduate Program, for foreign candidates intending to enroll in the Postgraduate Program in Greek.
  • Additional information at the candidate's discretion, such as evidence of professional or research activity related to the subject of the Postgraduate Program.
  • Photocopy of both sides of the identity card.
  • Recent photograph.
  • Recognition of foreign academic qualifications.


For students hailing from foreign institutions without a DOATAP‐recognized academic degree certificate, the following protocol is observed:

The Department's Assembly directs the Coordinating Committee (C.C.) to ascertain the recognition status of a foreign institution or a specific type of title from a foreign institution. The Coordinating Committee verifies whether the foreign institution or the type of title from a foreign institution is listed in the pertinent Register of foreign institutions, which is maintained and regularly updated by DOATAP. If the foreign institution is part of the institutions listed in Article 307 of Law 4957/2022, the candidate is obligated to furnish a certificate of the place of study. This certificate is issued and sent by the foreign university. However, if the Greek territory is confirmed as the place of study or a portion thereof, the degree will not be recognized, unless the studies completed on the Greek territory are within a public Higher Education Institution.

The assessment of candidates and the subsequent admission selection process rely on the following criteria, utilizing a merit point (M.P.) scale ranging from 0 to 100:

  1. Degree Grade: The candidate's degree grade, denoted as 'B', contributes merit points calculated as (B‐5) x 2. The maximum attainable merit points for this criterion are ten (10). In the case of multiple degrees, the one most relevant to the subject of the Postgraduate Program is considered. If multiple degrees are equally relevant, the degree with the highest grade is taken into account.
  2. Undergraduate Course Grades and Relevant Diploma/Dissertation: For each course or diploma/dissertation pertinent to the Postgraduate Program, where the candidate has achieved a grade of seven or higher, two points are awarded. The maximum merit points for this category are twenty (20).
  3. Relevance of University Degree and Candidate's Knowledge to MSc Subject: Merit points, up to twenty (20), are assigned based on the relevance of the candidate's degree and presumed knowledge, as indicated in the application file.
  4. Research or Professional Activity in a Related Discipline: Four (4) merit points are awarded per certified year of professional experience or research work (participation in a research program or employment in a research center) in a subject related to the Postgraduate Program. The maximum number of merit points for this criterion is twenty (20).
  5. Publications in Subjects Related to MSc: Merit points are allocated as follows: 4 merit points for each publication in an international scientific journal, 3 merit points for each publication in an international scientific conference with full‐text review, and 1 merit point for each publication in an international scientific conference with abstract review or in a Greek conference. The maximum merit points attainable are twenty (20).
  6. Performance during the Interview: The Coordinating Committee assesses the candidate's interest in the Postgraduate Program, commitment to completing studies, and overall proficiency in the subject. The maximum merit points for this criterion are ten (10) merit points.

A prerequisite for eligibility in the selection process is proficiency in the English language, which can be demonstrated through one of the following qualifications: i) Possession of one of the following degrees: (a) State Certificate of Language Proficiency for the English Language at a minimum level of B2, or any other English language certificate recognized by the Greek State as equivalent to at least a B2 level. Certificates accepted by ASEP (Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection) as B2 and above are also valid. Examples include the FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH from the University of Cambridge and the EXAMINATION FOR THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY IN ENGLISH from the University of Michigan. (b) A degree from an English‐speaking University or a degree in English Literature. ii) Successful completion of an English Technical Terminology course during undergraduate studies at a university, specifically in subjects related to the theme of the Postgraduate Program. iii) Successful participation in examinations organized by the Coordinating Committee in the area of English Technical Terminology relevant to the subjects covered in the M.Sc. program.

The interview process for candidates and the English technical terminology examination may be conducted remotely, as determined by the Coordinating Committee, utilizing appropriate technical means in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Special Regulation for the Organization and Implementation of Distance Education Methods for the Postgraduate Program.

Upon considering the overall criteria, the Coordinating Committee formulates an assessment table for candidate students, delineating their scores in individual criteria as well as their final scores. This table is organized in descending order of success and is presented to the Assembly of the Department for approval.

Successful candidates are required to register at the Secretariat of the Postgraduate Program within thirty (30) days from the Department's Assembly decision.

In the event of a tie (rounded to the nearest whole unit on the 100 scale), tied candidates are admitted at a rate not exceeding 10% of the maximum admissions.

Should one or more students fail to register, the next candidates in the ranking, as per the approved evaluation table, will be invited to enroll in the Postgraduate Program.