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The Postgraduate Program, leading to the attainment of a Postgraduate Diploma, spans a duration of three (3) academic semesters, encompassing the time dedicated to the preparation of a dissertation should the student opt for this scholarly pursuit.

The possibility of extending the standard study duration is granted upon a reasoned request by the student, contingent upon approval by the Department's Assembly. Full‐time students may apply for an extension of up to three (3) additional semesters, establishing a maximum allowable study duration of six (6) academic semesters.

In exceptional cases where force majeure prevents the completion of studies within these prescribed limits, the Assembly may approve an additional extension of two (2) semesters, applicable to both full‐time and part‐time students.


The option for part‐time enrollment is available, subject to a reasoned request submitted by the student and subsequent approval by the Department's Assembly. Eligibility for part‐time study is extended to the following categories:

  1. Students who can substantiate their engagement in employment for a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week.
  2. Students with documented disabilities and specific educational needs.
  3. Students engaged in athletic pursuits, affiliated with sports clubs recorded in the electronic register mandated by Article 142 of Law 4714/2020 (A' 148). This register is maintained at the General Secretariat of Sports, and admission is subject to the conditions outlined below: (3a) For the years they achieve a ranking from 1st to 8th place in Panhellenic championships of individual sports with the participation of at least twelve (12) athletes and eight (8) clubs or compete in teams of two (2) higher categories in team sports, or participate as members of national teams in pan‐European championships, world championships, or other international competitions under the Hellenic Olympic Committee, or (3b) If they participate at least once, during their studies, in the study program for which they apply for part‐time study, in the Olympic, Paralympic Games, and Olympic Games for the Deaf. Students in this sub‐category may enroll as part‐time students, following their application's approval by the Administrative Board of the School. The duration of part‐time study does not exceed twice the duration of normal full‐time study. The maximum duration of studies also applies in this case.

The duration of part‐time study is limited to twice the duration of normal full‐time study, with the maximum overall duration applicable to this category as well.

The possibility of extending the standard study duration is granted upon a reasoned request by the student, contingent upon approval by the Department's Assembly. Part‐time students may seek an extension, not exceeding four (4) semesters, thus setting the maximum period for completion of part‐time studies at ten (10) academic semesters.

In exceptional cases where force majeure prevents the completion of studies within these prescribed limits, the Assembly may approve an additional extension of two (2) semesters, applicable to both full‐time and part‐time students.

Studies Interruption

Students who have not surpassed the maximum attendance limit may, upon submission of a reasoned request to the Department's Assembly, temporarily interrupt their studies for a period not exceeding two (2) consecutive semesters. The suspension of studies is granted for compelling reasons, such as military service, illness, postpartum, or extended absence abroad.

During the period of study suspension, the student's status is temporarily halted, and engagement in any educational activities is
prohibited. The semesters during which the student's status is suspended do not contribute to the overall maximum duration of regular studies.

At least two weeks before the conclusion of the suspension period, it is mandatory for the student to re‐enroll in the program to resume studies, thereby reinstating the rights and responsibilities associated with active student status.

Students have the option to terminate the suspension of studies and return to the program, provided they had applied for a suspension lasting two consecutive academic semesters. The request to terminate the suspension of studies must be submitted no later than two weeks before the commencement of the second semester of suspension.