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The Committee comprises a) the Director of the Postgraduate Program automatically assuming the role of the Committee's President and b) two faculty members actively engaged in teaching within the Postgraduate Program, appointed by the Coordinating Committee. The term of office for the Committee members is two years, subject to renewal. The Committee is responsible for receiving complaints and objections from postgraduate students enrolled in the MSc program, which concern the educational and administrative services provided in the context of he MSc program. Matters concerning to purely academic activities of the instructors do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Committee. Committee members are committed to following the personal data protection policy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, accessible at:

The Committee ensures that the complaint handling data are available for review by the bodies that evaluate the operation of the MSc, while protecting the personal data of complainants and ensuring their confidentiality.

The procedure concerning the management of student complaints and appeals is outlined as follows:

Step 1: Articulating a Complaint or Objection
Postgraduate students intending to file a complaint or objection are required to complete the Complaint Submission Form available on the MSc website ( and forward it to the Committee for the Management of Student Complaints and Objections via an e‐mail account that will be available to the MSc website. Postgraduate students, who may have concerns about submitting their complaint electronically, have the opportunity to request a hearing by a member of the Committee, by sending a relevant request to the above e‐mail. 

Step 2: Reviewing a Complaint or Objection and Rendering a Decision
The Committee convenes at regular intervals to deliberate on matters electronically submitted or raised during a hearing with a committee member. Complaint Submission Forms lacking essential information in all required fields will not undergo examination. The Committee will disregard and not respond to abusive messages or those containing insufficient or false contact details. If deemed necessary, the Committee may refer an issue for discussion to the Coordinating Committee of the MSc, to the Council of the Department of Digital Industry Technologies, or alternatively refer to the Ethics Committee of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. It is at the discretion of the Committee to convene a hearing for the complainants either in private or by confrontation. The decision of the Committee is conclusive and irreversible, with no provision for appealing against its decisions.

Step 3: Notifying the Complainant Regarding Issue Resolution and Decision‐Making
A designated representative of the Committee will provide a written or oral response to the complainant within a reasonable timeframe, with a suggested response period of 20 working days. The specific response duration may vary based on the nature of each complaint or objection. The response will encompass details regarding the steps taken to address the issue and any decisions that have been reached.