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Excellence scholarships

The Excellence scholarships are awarded to top‐performing students of the M.Sc. based on their performance in the courses of the first semester. The scholarships exempt the recipients from tuition fees for the second semester courses.

Postgraduate students who have completed the first semester of studies can apply for excellence scholarships. Candidates must not hold a paid position in the public or private sector, nor receive a scholarship from any other entity during the specified period.


  • Academic performance in courses (with an average grade equal to or greater than nine)
  • Successful completion of all courses according to the study program
  • Individual and family income

In case of a tie, the scholarship is awarded to the student with the lowest individual and family income. In case of a tie in income, a draw is conducted. If a student renounces the scholarship, it is provided to the next in line. If the enrolled students of the corresponding academic year are up to 20, then one excellence scholarship is awarded. If the enrolled students are more than 20 and up to 30, then two excellence scholarships are awarded. If the enrolled students are more than 30, then three excellence scholarships are awarded.


Students, following a relevant invitation from the M.Sc., submit an application accompanied by the following documents to the Department's Secretariat:

  1. Detailed transcript
  2. A sworn statement, signed through the platform, with the following text: "I do not hold a paid position in the public or private sector, nor do I receive a scholarship from any other entity for the specified period."
  3. Recent tax clearance certificate (individual and family)

The M.Sc. Committee evaluates the applications and recommends to the Department's Assembly, which makes decisions accordingly.

Repayable Scholarships

The Department Assembly has the authority to grant up to three (3) repayable scholarships for the performance of adjunct teaching work in first‐cycle study programs to postgraduate students, depending on the number of admissions to the M.Sc. program and the financial capabilities of the M.Sc. The amount of the repayable scholarship may cover part or the entirety of the tuition fees and is calculated based on actual working hours. The hourly rate is determined at the beginning of each year by the Department Assembly. This decision is communicated to the postgraduate students of the M.Sc." The cost of the repayable scholarships may be charged to the budget of projects/programs funded by private, international, and own resources of Article 230 of Law 4957/2022, as well as co‐financed projects of the Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework (ESPA). For the granting of repayable scholarships, the conditions, criteria, and procedures of paragraph 12.a for the award of excellence scholarships apply, with the exception that repayable scholarships
can be awarded to students with an average grade equal to or greater than eight. Repayable scholarships are not granted to a student who has received an excellence scholarship. As adjunct teaching work is defined the assistance provided by members of the Teaching and
Research Staff during the exercise of their teaching duties, the supervision of first‐cycle students, conducting tutorials, laboratory exercises, examination supervision, and the grading of assignments. The adjunct teaching work must be approved by the Assemblies of the respective departments to which the first‐cycle study program is affiliated.

Excellence Awards

The M.Sc. may award excellence awards to the first student of each cohort who completes the courses of the first and second semesters, following a decision of the Coordinating Committee. The awards do not have financial benefits. The award is signed by the Director of the M.Sc. and the Department Chair.


  1. Average grade of courses in the first and second semesters greater than or equal to eight.
  2. Completion and successful examination in the February (first semester) and June (second semester) exams in the normal study years (first and second semester of each cohort).


After the submission of the June grades, the Coordinating Committee reviews the grades of the cohort's students. If the previous requirements are met, the committee ranks the students in descending order (according to their average grade) and decides on the awarding of prizes