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For their participation in the Postgraduate Program, postgraduate students pay tuition fees totaling three thousand nine hundred (3,900) euros.

The amount of 3,900 euros is evenly distributed over the three semesters of study for full‐time students (i.e., 1,300 euros per semester) and over the six semesters of study for part‐time students (i.e., 650 euros per semester).

The payment of the fee is made at the beginning of each semester.

The deadlines for the payment of the tuition fee will be determined by the Coordinating Committee.

Tuition Fees Exemption

Postgraduate students enrolled in a Master's program may be exempt from tuition fees if they meet the financial or social criteria and the excellence requirements established by current legislation during their undergraduate studies. This exemption applies to participation in a single Master's program. In any case, the exempted students do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students admitted to the Master's program per academic year.

The application for exemption from tuition fees is submitted after the completion of the selection process for postgraduate students. The financial situation of a candidate is never a reason for nonselection in a Master's program.

Those who receive a scholarship from another source or citizens of non‐EU countries are not eligible for exemption.

The examination of criteria for exemption from tuition fees is conducted by the Department Assembly, and a reasoned decision on the acceptance or rejection of the application is issued.

If current legislation establishes an age criterion, the date of birth of students is considered to be December 31 of the birth year for reasons of good administration and equal treatment.

Members of the categories Special Educational Staff, Special Laboratory Teaching Staff and Special Technical Laboratory Staff are exempt from paying tuition fees.

In cases where members of the same family up to the second degree of blood or affinity are simultaneously enrolled in the Master's program, there is the possibility of a 50% reduction in tuition fees.

The right of tuition exemption to MSc is regulated by the provisions of no. 86 of Law 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/2022, section A), as applicable.

The national median available equivalent income for granting the right to tuition exemption for the academic year 2024-2025 is determined by the decision.