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Wastes from different production sectors. Industrial Symbiosis and Estate Planning. Effluent/emission trading. Pollution prevention and Waste minimization by reuse and recovery, life cycle impacts and management strategies. Industrial wastewater treatment processes: Wastewater characteristics and regulations. Physical/Chemical / Biological methods of industrial wastewater treatment. Primary, secondary, and tertiary processing. Modelling of wastewater treatment processes. Advanced control techniques for effluent regulation. Robust and data driven control approaches. Supervisory control. Data acquisition systems and soft sensors. Industrial solid wastes: Classification, Economics, Recycling. Robotic applications in solid waste management. Robotic vision‐based waste sorting. Combustion Control of Refuse‐derived fuel (RDF) Modelling and Control of pyrolysis systems, incineration systems and gasification systems. Technologies and Decision Support Systems for solid waste management. Air pollution: Main atmospheric pollutants and transformations, Transport and Dispersion of air pollutants, Industrial Emission Reduction, Modelling and Control. Control equipment for particulate matter and gaseous pollutant. Hazardous waste cleaning robots.

Learning Outcomes

Aim of the course is to introduce students to:
a) The basic pollutants emitted by industrial and other production units,
b) Issues related to sustainable industrial growth,
c) Pollution control measures, and
d) Legal frameworks and environmental regulations.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • • Understand regulations for environmental protection against pollution-generating industrial activities.
  • • Categorize industrial pollutants (gaseous, liquid waste, solid waste, hazardous waste) with respect to the methods of their treatment.
  • Analyze constraints and quality indices, imposed by environmental legislation.
  • Analyze the correlation among estate planning, waste management, and industrial activity.
  • Analyze and apply tools that minimize pollutants, through recycling, reuse, and recovery of valuable materials.
  • Understand the basic physical, chemical, and biological processes for treating industrial waste, as they apply for solid, liquid, and gaseous pollutants.
  • Model industrial pollution control systems.
  • Design and implement controllers, regulating industrial systems towards minimization of industrial pollutants 
  • Analyze the correlation among environmental standards satisfaction, performance, and operational costs of production units.
  • Design and implement decision support systems for industrial waste management.
  • Analyze the operation of robotic cleaning systems.
  • Integrate all above methods and techniques to study and apply  anti-pollution technologies in industrial and other production processes.

For the outline of the course press here.